Friday, September 25, 2009

Enough with the auto-tunes already. After this one.


Litcube said...

Anyone else feel kind of high when listening to these auto-tunes?

Mr. Pony said...

When they throw Katie Couric way up high, yes.

Mr. Pony said...

I feel like an idiot, but I find this kind of moving.

Galspanic said...

It caused me to remember watching Cosmos with my dad on PBS. I remembered sitting in my dad's lap and wondering how did the man get to travel through time like that, and my dad saying "It's just a TV show son, grow the fuck up". He'd then throw his empty beer can at my head, and tell me to mow the lawn. It was my first chore, and I took it with a certain pride that one gets when they are doing as they are told. Teddy, the old Greek next door neighbor would help me pull the briar thorns out of my feet after I'd finished pruning back the bushes. I'd listen to him talk long and wistfully about his days as a merchant marine. He'd tell me about his days in Thailand, languishing in mouldering hospital beds waiting for the morphine to come, and about the strange man child he learned to love.
Teddy told me that In Greek, Cosmos literally means the pain from an old wound. It's a twinge in your heart, far more powerful than memory alone. Cosmos isn't a TV program, it's a time machine. It goes backwards, forwards. It takes us to a place where we ache to go again. This isn't an autotune. This is Cosmos.

Fugu said...

*Claps enthusiastically*

Mr. Pony said...

That galaxy-rise he's talking about; the radiation from that would kill us, right?