Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Txting iz Kewl

Know what's great about texting? You can be a flaky liar in them, and no one cares. You can be all, "Yeah, Fred, letz hang tonight--call u laturz" and then just sort of disappear into the infosphere, and Fred won't be all that sore at you, because you didn't actually say you'd hang out. Or you can be all proactively flaky, with a "Wut r u up 2?" text, and then just not answer when Fred tells you. You did your part! Something must have happened to prevent you from following up with definite plans, Fred figures. What? You'll explain later, when you've had plenty of time to think of an excuse, or more likely, when Fred has forgotten or stopped caring.

That's why I rarely answer the phone anymore. The spoken word commits you. It has something to do with sound waves.


Litcube said...

There is truth here.

Galspanic said...

I smell bitterness.

Lungclops said...

bitterness? no, i'm really talking about myself here. i've gotten some complaints lately about how i keep conversations to text, and i was just thinking about why i do that. i assume others do, too. were i only a slightly douchier man, i might wonder what it says that we use a communication device to make ourselves less understood.

Mr. Pony said...

I'll wonder that!