Thursday, August 13, 2009

It is Pukele Stream.


Galspanic said...

I really wanted a British voice to come on and tell me in a soothing yet firm voice that the ring tailed tamarind makes its home here at the banks of these streams, dipping its tail into the white water to catch hungry crustaceans.

Mr. Pony said...

I thought about laying down alternating pan flute and music by Stovokor, but then decided that this should be about the science. Somebody remind me to take a shot of the stream when it is trickly and boring. For some reason I always forget to to that.

Ruby Tenneco said...

Is this next to your house or something? Hawaii looks awesome. I think I may be coming there around New Year's. Where is everything?

Fugu said...


Mr. Pony said...

It's just downhill a ways from my house. What's the occasion of you coming to Hawaii? Do you need a place to stay? It's nice where we are!

Ruby Tenneco said...

I'm coming to visit an old friend of mine who's working at a campsite. It's not on the 'big island' (is that where you are?) but we're planning to tour it in his camper van...

Fugu said...

That's terrific news, Ruby. Kamapua`a is on the Big Island, the rest of us are on Oahu. Is that where your friend is? If so, great!!

The Big Island is super fun. Really some of the most spectacular nature I've seen if you're into the whole lava-in-the-process-of-making-land kind of thing, or stars. B.I. is real good with stars. Plus, I think Kamapua`a is in a reggae band!

Mr. Pony said...

I think Ruby's not going to the Big Island, though. I'd guess Maui or Kauai--but Ruby could tell us better. It took some digging, oddly enough, but I did find this decent Map of the Hawaiian Islands that might help. (I should point out that some of us are in NYC, Minnesota, Los Angeles, and in the city of Canada. I'm also currently trying to land a member who resides in the 10th Dimension, but let's not jinx that.)

Point is, Ruby, the odds are that you'll probably fly through Honolulu, which is on Oahu. Consider staying a few extra days (or whatever time you can spare) and we'll show you a fun time.

Fugu said...

Ah, I see. I read that differently ('it', referring to the Big Island, instead of the unknown campsite). In fact, I still seem to read it that way. Maybe I need to speak it out loud with a British accent?

And when I said "the rest of us", well. I thought he'd understand what I meant. As he is smart.

Fugu said...

I'm no good at faking a British accent, guys.

Mr. Pony said...

Hey, it's cool. I know how tiring it must be to maintain such insanely high expectations of the BSG finale, so long after the thing aired.

Fugu said...

By the way, I have absolutely almost no problems with the unaired Dollhouse finale.

Mr. Pony said...

Yeah, @feliciaday told me that you can get it on Amazon--is that where you saw it?

Fugu said...

No, @feliciaday told me to get it on iTunes.

Ruby Tenneco said...

Ok, so-- the campsite is indeed on the big island. Maybe I could take up your offer of a place for a day or two on one of the ends of the trip, Mr. P?

No ticket yet, but I think I'll be there from around new year's for 2-3 weeks.

Mr. Pony said...

You betcha, Ruby! Let me know when you know more.

Galspanic said...

Yay! Road trip! Oh wait. Um. Hrm. Yay! Visitor!

Mr. Pony said...

I apologize, Fugu. @feliciaday just pointed out to me that you were completely right about Ruby's destination island.