Sunday, February 14, 2010

the things we lose with the advent of technology

giant brass hbo logos, for one.


Mr. Pony said...

That's so cool; I've always wondered how they shot the opening scene of C.H.U.D.

Galspanic said...

why am I strangely annoyed watching this?

sokeripupu said...

maybe it's the weirdly narrative musical score?

Galspanic said...

That did make me kinda crazy, yes.

AI-BU9 said...

Yes, that "illusions" narrative song played throughout the piece made me have "The Electric Company" flashbacks. Seeing Morgan Freeman in tight jeans wiht a huge afro is a mind scarring thing.

Mr. Pony said...

Okay, I was actually a giant fan of the old HBO intro, and I must have seen this documentary a dozen times.

Love how people used to refer to "the computer" as a magic creature that lives in a hidden cave somewhere and does all your work for you and isn't that amazing? People have gotten smarter since and have grown accustomed to taking credit for everything "the computer" did.

Everything's so analog. Awesome find; it's a great illustration of how things have changed.

sokeripupu said...

yeah i love the starburst animation effect that is just sliding 2 patterned gels over each other. this video came up in a conversation with my dad about an old typographer friend of the family (who died last year age 104) who told him that there used to be people whose specialty was drawing/painting certain typefaces perfectly, for signs and other things where a printing press wouldn't work. it is crazy how much things have changed just in the last 25 years.