Sunday, February 7, 2010

things you learn while looking for oatmeal.

Was looking for info on the difference between Steel-Cut vs Rolled oatmeal and I came across this.

And I was too lazy to look up the page that Pony made on how to put the video straight into the post. There...I said it. ;-P


Fugu said...

Long comment removed, replaced by this.

Galspanic said...

IN regards to the original quest to find the difference between steel-cut and rolled oatmeal, would you have posted the results here?

odori said...

What on earth is steel cut oatmeal? What is rolled oatlmeal?

AI-BU9 said...

Steel-cut oats

Rolled oats

Wikipedia is pretty cool sometimes.

Mr. Pony said...

My father-in-law will sometimes use a beer to open a beer; turning one upside-down and wedging one cap under the other to pop it off. This works really well, about half the time.

odori said...

Fascinating. I don't eat oatmeal and never knew about different oatmeal cuts.