Tuesday, February 16, 2010

made me laugh

Is it lame to post a blog on a blog? Probably is, but I was laughing so much at this that I had put it up here.


odori said...

wow. hard to believe - but most of them seem too good for someone to make up.

Galspanic said...

I was reading these and I wasn't quite sure where the posts ended and responses began. And in response to your question, I do not think it is wrong to post a blog on a blog. If it is for recreational purposes...

Litcube said...

My favourites are the ones where the parents pop in and attempt ot put a damper on their child's sense of entitlement.

What the fuck is wrong with this up and coming generation? Were we all like this at 15 - 19? Is new-tech media just cleaning a window that looks into what was always there?