Tuesday, May 26, 2009

How to Blog

Here's a really interesting podcast on the subject of blogging by Merlin Mann (of 43 Folders and John Gruber (of Daring Fireball). (Drawing by Dave Gray.)

While I don't necessarily swallow their definitions of "success", they do offer some interesting takes on the nature of the medium, and ask some pretty great questions. They also make me glad that I write for a team blog, with a team as diverse, and as freakish, and good as this one. *HUGZ*


odori said...

I like Melvin's observation that good blogs are produced by people who are obsessed with their chosen topics.

And his remark that those who aren't obsessed (or passionate) but who have a voice wind up commenting on Twitter about the Thai food they just had.


Pieces of Things peoples have both obsessions and voices.

odori said...

Er, excuse me. That was Merlin, not Melvin.

Mr. Pony said...

One of my favorite bits was the suggestion that you shouldn't just blog about Star Wars, or even just Jawas; you should blog about one specific Jawa.

Galspanic said...

I too liked the part about the Jawa, because I could relate. I think the characters of Pieces of Things could very easily transform into something with more meat if we sort of decided to choose our specific obsession. I would venture into specific roles, but i think it would be more fun if people shouted out what they were gonna do like a bunch of fifth grade volunteers.
"I'll be Lego correspondent!"It's hard though, because my specific obsessions fluctuate. I guess I have to learn to be more single minded.

I loved the part where he imitates Ira Glass. The end bit gets kind of frustrating, as they get more and more worried about time running out.

Does POT want more meat? Do we want to be meatier?
Do we want to be Nightline in the hostage crisis? Or are we happy at the level of authorship we have?
Do we have an audience even?

Galspanic said...

I probably could have listened to these guys for a few more hours, they were pretty entertaining, even though I didn't know the apps they were discussing half the time.

odori said...

The problem with serious blogging is that you must devote an enormous amount of time developing original material if you want to develop a significant following.

I respect those who do it well and who are able to make a living this way.

I enjoy this blog as it seems to be a place to trade quirky, interesting, thought-provoking tidbits with like-minded people.

It sometimes reminds me of the notebook(s) Panic, Mr. Pony and others would share at the green bench. (I can't remember everyone who contributed. I just remember them being the artistically inclined and talented. Fugu, Helpwillcome and Demon - you probably did too, no?)

I can't draw and never joined, so I'm sure I have a different perception and memory of the notebook than those who did. But the similarity still strikes me.

What do you think - is POT kind of like a digital, Internets version of your old notebooks?