Monday, June 7, 2010

How Incentives Motivate (and How They Don't); Drawn (via @Viil)

From Dan Pink's talk on his book "Drive", at the RSA. I think this was a TED talk, too. I find this breathtaking for a couple of reasons, which will become apparent when you take the time to watch it. Not sure these principals can be applied everywhere, but it's great to keep in mind that there are places where this model works. Also, the real-time drawing is kinda perfect. (I wish I'd thought to add a temporal dimension to my failed Pho Recipe Drawing.)

More of these awesome real-time drawings/talks here.

Via @Viil.


Litcube said...

Fascinating video. Especially in my profession, this question is absolutely on the top of a lot of folks minds.

Unlike a lot of jobs, I don't get paid if I don't perform well. I get paid more for performing better. And I get paid stupid if I sell my body to the company for the month.

I've always found it interesting that regardless of the compensation plan (which varied greatly), the top performers were the top performers, and the non-performers likewise stayed the same.

Mr. Pony said...

RT @Viil @piecesofthings I really enjoyed "The Secret Powers of Time" too. Interesting perspectives on cultural differences