looks like a pile of octopi!
I would suggest not using a flash. It might also help to add something to the plate that's not yellow or brown.
We don't have those kind of things here.
Watch it, or I'll get Jamie Oliver to show up at your house. =)
if i were super drunk, and it was 3 am, and i was starving, i would totally eat that. then slip into a coma.
I think we have just seen the birth of a new genre of food photography.
Looks like a bunch of slugs mating =/
Mating? Generally when I read about these kinds of events in the national news from reputable sources, they have little to do with mating.
Yes mating... sort of like this. Just add some beans and what not.
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looks like a pile of octopi!
I would suggest not using a flash. It might also help to add something to the plate that's not yellow or brown.
We don't have those kind of things here.
Watch it, or I'll get Jamie Oliver to show up at your house. =)
if i were super drunk, and it was 3 am, and i was starving, i would totally eat that. then slip into a coma.
I think we have just seen the birth of a new genre of food photography.
Looks like a bunch of slugs mating =/
Mating? Generally when I read about these kinds of events in the national news from reputable sources, they have little to do with mating.
Yes mating... sort of like this.
Just add some beans and what not.
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