Monday, March 29, 2010

इम्पोर्तंत वर्क बी इम्पोर्तंत

Important Work by an important Person. For like, one and a half people on this blong.


Litcube said...

I could look at that guy's drawings all day long. In fact, I have. Serious genius; enormous capacity for spatial awareness.

Mr. Pony said...

Took me a moment to figure out that this guy was also this guy (despite the highly descriptive post titles). The freedom he allows himself is amazing. It's like he has no assumptions. He remains a great find.

Galspanic said...

The only reason the post is thus titled is because I posted it via a PC at school. When I looked at the post at home I chuckled bemusedly and left it as is. I think it says Important Work. Not sure if that's translated into Thai, or just a phonetic translation of the letter sounds.

I wonder what Niklas Jansson does for work? Because it seems to me that he sketches and draws a hell of a lot.

Litcube said...

He's a freelancer who only works when he wants to. Low motivation keeps him from taking over the planet.

Mr. Pony said...

Windows is scary.

Galspanic said...

It's really odd how the simplest of things can go awry in Winblows.