Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Galactica: Sabotage


Mr. Pony said...

I admit, this gave me nerdwood.

Heeero said...

LeeMo...hehehe...Loved it! Parting shot w/ Baltar spinning in his chair was perfect.

Galspanic said...

I chuckled out loud, trying not to think of all the horrifyingly similar costumes I wore whilst doing public access TV.

Galspanic said...

by similar, I mean in reference to the original video. Although it could be said that I wore some costumes similar to the ones in BSG as well. Such was the scope of the public access TV I was doing.

Mr. Pony said...

What the heck were you doing on public access TV?

Fugu said...

He was making infomercials about a hair removal product for men. Such was the target demographic that he had to wear costumes that alternated between military fetish (with lace) and 1960s porn star.

The one he was in on Tuesday nights was the best.

Fugu said...

Hey, WOW.

Mr. Pony said...

Okay, that's pretty weird. Watching the two side by side made me a little afraid of the editor.

Galspanic said...

"Caprica event"?

Heeero said...

That's ok. I just got word from one of my old friends who is working in Hollywood. They're back in Hawaii shooting 5-O, and he's apparently talking with a certain Ms. Park. Sooooo frustrated right now.

Galspanic said...

You weren't frustrated before?