This is a site by Niklas Jansson, a Swedish game designer/artist/enthusiast. This guy takes his work seriously. I find his takes/renditions/upgrades on classic games to be refreshing and inspiring. He has many game retcon projects. I wish game companies would take him up on these retcons. I hope you all enjoy this guy as much as I do. Check out his blog here!
Note: Litcube may be interested in what he has to say about Masters of Orion. I think it resonates.
I am pretty much in love with this Swedish fellow.
This dude painted the FSM! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flying_Spaghetti_Monster
Holy crap! That came up as my desktop background like a day ago. And come to think of it, it was my reference when I made this.
I think here is a guy who honestly likes a game for it's depth and detail rather than pretty three-dee rendering. This is refreshing. Someone should ask him about Pax Imperia.
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