I thought at first that it was going to be one of those unlicensed C.R. Lassen rip-off imitation sites until I saw the big animated letters saying "The Official Site"
Holy Fuck. I had no idea Lassen was the sex bomb. The leather pants. They speak volumes. You know, as opposed to the naked Lassen shooting blue orbs at your menu selections. Why doesn't this guy have his own television series?
I want whoever made this site to design my webpage. I think I could become very powerful spiritually if I did so. Does anyone have like 10 grand lying around to donate so I can get this website designer to do my site. I'm sure it probably costs that much.
Holy fuck! If you stay on that main menu screen long enough a jaguar growls at you! I have a worry though: Is the lightsaber sound a theft of intellectual property?
That is unbelievable. I like the naked Christian R. L. rising from the sea and selecting the menu items with his glowing blue orb...
I thought at first that it was going to be one of those unlicensed C.R. Lassen rip-off imitation sites until I saw the big animated letters saying "The Official Site"
Holy Fuck. I had no idea Lassen was the sex bomb. The leather pants. They speak volumes. You know, as opposed to the naked Lassen shooting blue orbs at your menu selections.
Why doesn't this guy have his own television series?
I want whoever made this site to design my webpage. I think I could become very powerful spiritually if I did so. Does anyone have like 10 grand lying around to donate so I can get this website designer to do my site. I'm sure it probably costs that much.
I did not realize Fabio made "art". Or surfs. I am scared.
Wyland's site (http://www.wylandgalleries.com/) is vanilla in comparison. No flash. No sounds. No blue orbs of mana.
His music sounds completely different than I imagined. I like it.
BAR: RAISED. Come on, PoT.
Holy fuck! If you stay on that main menu screen long enough a jaguar growls at you!
I have a worry though: Is the lightsaber sound a theft of intellectual property?
I don't think you can use the word "intellectual" in conjunction with a discussion about that site. Can't stand all those little animated doodads.
The site is kind of creepy too. It almost looks like he should be selling a Fleshlight or something on there. You know, the "tropical" style one.
Fuck me boots and tropical fleshlights. MRI, you are a meme bomb waiting to explode.
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