I asked a coworker, one Brian L______, if he had seen the antelope. He responded, "Oh you mean the Lascaux cave art?" This was heartening. But I wanted to get the opinion of some visual artists, so I enlisted Mr. Pony. He had never noticed the antelope before, so I sent him a picture. This one:
Mr. Pony said that it looked more like a woman's torso to him, and suggested that I post it here on Pieces to get your opinions on the matter. A capital suggestion, I thought, thinking nothing of his torso remark--just another bit of Pony thick-headedness/provocation, I wagered.
Then my mind was blown. I sent it to another coworker, an accomplished animator, one Del A_____. He, too, suggested that it was a woman's torso! What the hell were these people talking about? I grabbed a few other coworkers to take a look at this thing, and Mr. L_____, the very same who orignally referred to the piece as a Lascaux cave painting, pointed out that it was in fact a woman's torso! What I had taken to be the antelope's proud, out-thrust chest was actually a bepantied butt. The antelope's tail was her tummy, its head her back. Of course! I was the asshole!
Still, I'm curious to know what your first impressions are. If you still don't see the antelope, perhaps this mockup by another artist working for B_____, one Demian J______, will help you along:

I saw the woman's torso immediately, but then I am kind of a sex freak.
I will relate a humorous story though. The night Bush Jr. was "elected" to the white haus, there was a great big wild boar standing alone in the yard across the stream that runs next to my home. I felt it there. Like the prickling on the back of your neck type thing. I looked over, and the first thought in my head was; "spear...must find spear." Swear to Flying Spaghetti Monster. My second thought was; "wait, what the fuck, spear? Where's my camera?" by then the boar had sprinted off into the ferns.
I love the dudes on the hunt for woman's torso.
You can kind of see someone started the bra on her as well.
Maybe its an antelope flying a kite?
I fail also, and only saw the alien antelope creature. Here is another manly test which I failed that an old boss of mine put me up to:
Given the choice between an expensive sports car and a really hot model, which do you choose?
Hoping to come across as a real man I of course said the girl. But this was a trick! Apparently real men know that you pick the car, as this also gets you the girl.
This crosses over nicely with ai-bu9's post of nerds vs jocks. I think my old boss was the worst kind of combination of the two.
i think it shows that you and i have low IQ's or poor imaginations, fugu, as we interpret images in two dimensions instead of three.
I also failed. But I saw the starting of a bikini top. Galspanic said "bra". Pervert.
i don't think that's a bra or bikini top; it's a spinal depression. yes! redeemed!
I think I stated very clearly at the beginning of this thread that I am a sex freak.
oh wait, i see the part you're all talking about. i think that is actually an addition by another artist. this is like the erechtheion of graffiti. yes! redeemed!
oh wait, galspanic already implied it was another artist. i'm the asshole!
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