Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

I know at least one of you out there gets weak in the knees talking about Joss Whedon and Neil Patrick Harris, so I thought I'd mention this, even though you probably already know about it and I'm stupid, stupid, worthless, stupid. Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog is a direct-to-web episodic thing, by one, starring the other. I totally just watched the first episode. It's funny. That one of you I was talking about with the Whedon/Harris thing also hates musicals, so this may be a little bittersweet. Because it's a musical.

Parts two and three come out Thursday and Saturday, and then disappear on Sunday, apparently. Watch episode one here. At this writing, the server is totally jammed, because it's Joss Whedon and this is the Internet. Joss Whedon is the new Star Trek. You can also buy a season pass on iTunes, if any of you feel like helping me get my Apple stock back where it's supposed to be. It downloads right away.

There also seems to be a comic tie-in from Dark Horse. It does seem a little like the sort of comic that comes free with something. I don't mean that in a necessarily pejorative sense--that's just the style it's done in. Comics should come free with everything.


Ruby Tenneco said...

I get weak in the knees at the mention of either Joss or Neil but both together re-stabilizes them.

Galspanic said...

Nathan Fillion is the one who burns my phosphorous. Oh my god I love this webisodic thing! "Smells like cumin" and "it's very important, or I would stop." Best lines evar.