No documentation. However--I made a tower of those round cylindrical pieces. Gray-gray-red, gray-gray-red, gray gray. Then I duplicated it four times. Then I tried to place a 2x16 brick on across the top of two of them, but couldn't figure out how to work the whole elevation thing.
I like to think this was exactly what I would do if I came across a bin of similar pieces (not counting the duplication, which violated the law of conservation of matter).
Before I realized what was happening, I had totally downloaded this and was making stuff. I have work to do, dammit!
Screen shots or it didn't happen.
No documentation. However--I made a tower of those round cylindrical pieces. Gray-gray-red, gray-gray-red, gray gray. Then I duplicated it four times. Then I tried to place a 2x16 brick on across the top of two of them, but couldn't figure out how to work the whole elevation thing.
I like to think this was exactly what I would do if I came across a bin of similar pieces (not counting the duplication, which violated the law of conservation of matter).
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