Saturday, April 4, 2009

LEGO Exhibit at UH (!)

Anyone here going to check this out tomorrow? Click here to see the video preview

Astronomical family fun — and Lego — in Manoa

It’s not just astronomers who like big numbers.
Each year, about 19 billion Lego bricks are produced. With more than 400 billion pieces worldwide, if stacked on top of each other, that’s enough to connect the Earth and the moon 10 times over.

If that fact gets your brain buzzing, head to the University of Hawaii’s Institute for Astronomy in Mänoa tomorrow. You won’t find a ladder to the moon, but you will find a giant Lego moon base built by astronomer Roy Gal and fellow members of the Lego Enthusiasts Association of Hawaii. The exhibit — possibly the largest Lego moon base on Oahu — will be set up in the Moon Room as part of the annual IFA Open House.


Fugu said...

Oh, yes please. Thanks, HWC! Anyone else?

helpwillcome said...

Of course, I can't go myself, living in Sacramento and all. Best I can do is stop by the LEGO store at the mall here...

Galspanic said...

I saw this in the paper but from what I'm told I won't be able to attend. I'm sorry everyone. I'd love to report about this one. It's right up my alley. Fugu, please put bricks together for me.

Galspanic said...

HWC, will you please go to the LEGO store for me, go to the pick-a-brick section, and purchase ten dollars worth of whatever bricks you see fit to send me? I will send you a ten dollar check in the mail. Do it for the Pone and the Fuge too. they will send you ten dollar checks.

Galspanic said...

Actually if you saw this piece in the pick-a-brick section, I would ask you to buy ten dollars worth of it.

Mr. Pony said...

Hey, I'm going to try to go, in the afternoon, if anyone's interested. Anyone?

Don't buy me any lego, dude. Lego is a bit of a spectator sport for me right now, mostly because the little guy chokes on it.

Galspanic said...

How was the thing?