Tuesday, August 26, 2008



Demon said...

It's The Greatest Neverending Story Ever Told.

Galspanic said...

You know, the more people try to ridicule religion by summarizing it into bullet points, the more entertaining religion seems to get. This plot sounds like something my nephew might watch on the Sci-fi channel. If I was 13 and bored, you could probably trick me into watching this as well.
Go, Cosmic Zombie Jew! you rock the universe!
How come Buddhism never gets this treatment?

Mr. Pony said...

• Life is suffering.
• The only way out of this suffering is to understand the world as it is, not bother other people, and free your mind of desire.

A ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Aha. Ha ha. Heh. Huh. Hrm.

Galspanic said...

But I'm talking about the plot of Buddhism!

Mr. Pony said...

Oh. How does that go again?

I remember when Brother Nakana used to tell me stories about Krishna. They sounded like Silver-Age Superman stories.

Ruby Tenneco said...

Here's part of the plot of Buddhism, as animated by Tank Girl creator Jamie Hewlett.

Galspanic said...

Ruby you jerk! that's part of the plot of Journey to the West!

Galspanic said...

And I gotta say, as much as I love Jamie Hewlett, Damon Albarn, and Songoku and his adventures, That's one fucked up advert for the Olympics.

Anonymous said...


Demon said...

oh god..

Mr. Pony said...

Well, it's about time.

Lungclops said...

hi, everyone! mr. pony invited me here in a consulting capacity to see how i could "shake things up" (his words) at piecesofthings.com. starting next week, we're going to be rolling out a new rating system, where you can leave 1-5 stars on other people's comments and postings, to let them know how you feel! a little further down the line, we'll be starting a mandatory submission policy, where you have to stay active in the community in order to not get demoted to second-class status!

if you have any other improvements or suggestions, just let me know. remember, guys, this is OUR site!

Galspanic said...

I hate you, Lungclops.