Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy Birthday Freddie!

I thought this was pretty awesome... +1 lightning eating


Mike said...

I like it too! There's a real King of All Cosmos thing going on here, which is entirely appropriate.

I wonder, though, how I'd feel if that were a Wal-Mart logo behind him. I think I'd feel different and I'd be right in feeling different, but still, it makes me think, you know?

Litcube said...

I can't help but feel that a corporate logo behind a tribute to a dead guy sort of diminishes the sincerity of said tribute.

Galspanic said...

I can't help but think of those "Coca-Cola presents" shorts that run before movies. This is much better but what Litcube said, totally yeah.

FAKA! said...

Man you guys are deep ;)

I see what you are all saying but I guess I see it as a "hey Happy Birthday Freddie!" from Google type of thing similar to the John Lennon doodle they did or Microsoft’s happy birthday to the Linux community quick short... and judging from the animation, costumes used and mood that was captured I'd say it’s safe to assume someone at Google is legitimately a genuine fan (or was paid enough to put a little heart into it)... To me it doesn’t seem so much of a “WE ARE GOOGLE & hey check out this dead guy” thing.

Either way Freddie Mercury flying through the sky riding a tiger that eats lightning puts me in a good mood for some reason =)

Mike said...

Undeniably, there's a lot of love in this.