Friday, September 9, 2011

Ad Competion: Banning All Religion

In the Australian TV show "The Pitch", ad agencies "compete to sell the unsellable." In this clip, two spots make the case for banning all religion.

via @brainpicker


Galspanic said...

Very interesting. The one thing that I came away with from this is that Australia is populated by guys with large noses and attractive olive skinned women. I can dig it. Personally I felt the second ad was a bit more persuasive, but I prefer the first ad's catchphrase.

Litcube said...

Huh. I would have voted on the first one. My anti-boner throbs when I see cliché levers used to pry open my ego and crap suggestions in. Popular cliché levers include hot women drinking the beer I should drink, the environment, or children in any capacity. The first one appealed more to my SCIENCE.

Galspanic said...

I understand your anti-boner about the children. The first one just seemed too erm...joke-y? Meh, I'unno.

Mike said...

I really wanted those children to wash off that face paint in the ocean.

Galspanic said...

See, that bugged me too. That would have been a good move.