Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Saturday, November 20, 2010

here i goo-oo!

remi gaillard is a pretty well known flash mob type dude in france - i first heard of him because of his awesome fake tour de france finish line prank.

but i think i might love this even more (and it's certainly better suited to this blog):

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

"Sarah Palin: I Could Beat Obama"

Gag. Read this story.

Sorry guys. I know I have been absent from POT for a really long time and it's really not nice of me to return with a posting like this. But I felt it was really important everyone heard the latest Palin news.

Sort of makes me feel like this guy.


Also, here is some news about J.J. Abrams maybe possibly producing a Micronauts movie (presumably based on the Marvel comic, and not the toy line), which I find both awesome and ridiculous, for some reason. I was a big fan of the comic, and the series took so many weird twists and turns away from the main story (the rebellion against Baron Karza (I think)) that I have a hard time seeing it as a coherent movie story. Also, I could never really get a grip on Commander Rann's character. What was his deal? He used his parent's names as a swear word, and got woozy with the Enigma Force a lot.

Here is a picture I drew of Commander Rann and Marionette. They are yelling. As usual, Rann is yelling "Dallan and Sepsis!" Princess Mari is probably yelling "By the Body Banks" or something.

P.S. I do not hate the Micronauts.

via @butler, @kondef, and @chorn

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Custom Lego sets!

Hey, I apologise if this has been posted before, but are you guys aware of this? If not, I may have significantly increased my lego-cred on the blog for the first time ever!

A designer at my job is using it to make his christmas presents...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Monday, November 8, 2010

An Ultimatum to Obama, or Something

I know it's wrong to gawk at the mentally ill, but this woman/incarnated Pleiadean spins such an exciting, convoluted, explanation-filled yarn with such finger-pointing authority that I can't help but take her incredible threats seriously. If Obama doesn't shape up and surrender, or something, then dirty bombs and Draconians and EMPs and muscular positioning or something.

A disturbing detail: Yes, that's Thomas Kinkade's famous painting Stairway to Paradise in the background. Think about it. Or don't.

via io9

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Playing Phone Tag

A new patent application from Apple shows how the technology in an iPhone could be used to co-locate several phones in relationship to each other, to enable a whole mess of multiplayer games, like laser tag. And actual tag, presumably.

I post this, because Lungclops had the same idea, like two years ago, and Fugu's often talked about a similar educational augmented reality concept that I still don't understand, and maybe doesn't relate to this.

via @robocon.

I have identified the substance. It is 100% pure Litcubite!


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Great? Horrible? You decide.

I honestly don't know what to think about this, but it involves both lego and Star Wars, so it seems like it should be right up piecesofthings' alley.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Sexism Discussions on the Internet

Our friend Gabby Schulz/Ken Dahl made a comic about discussions about sexism on the Internet and it got hundreds and hundreds of comments over the course of a few days, including a couple by Scott McCloud. Gabby has closed the comments, but it was interesting to watch this strip strike so many nerves so quickly.

Drumroll please....

Here is the updated Tauren costume for this year ;) I didn't quite get to finish it the way I wanted to... I flat out ran out of time. But I may get back to it again early next year and go hit Kawaii Kon 2011 ... I think we should all tap into our inner costume building geek and hit Kawaii Kon all together!


Lieutenant Columbo
Ok, I just watched "Columbo: Murder Under Glass," which mentions both Odori and Fugu in the first few minutes, which I assumed was a command from God to post something about Columbo.

I looked at the internet, and it turns out this is the only thing tenuously linking Columbo to Star Wars.

There is no Lego Columbo video game for some weird reason, but someone once thought about one (for like a split second).