Thursday, September 18, 2008

Obama on Religion

I promised this to Fugu--This is an excerpt of a speech Obama gave on Religion, early this year. More of a talk than a speech, really--and while I don't agree with everything he's saying, he certainly has given very serious thought to the issues, and more importantly, he has the willingness and ability to speak about them in a way that fosters real discussion, rather than just nutshelling for soundbites (which he's also pretty good at). I recommend listening to the whole speech the next time you're cleaning your desk (warning to Galspanic: it's forty minutes long).

He got me to listen, about a topic (Church and State) I generally think is closed, and stupid. WTF, I thought.


odori said...

The two minutes here is classic Obama - well-thought and probing. And he raises issues few other politicians are brave enough, or thoughtful enough, to bring up. I hope I will have the time to listen to the full 40 mintues...

Mr. Pony said...

Maybe after he loses the election. We can listen to it during the 45 minutes at 4 a.m. when the Daily Show Channel goes off-air.

Fugu said...

This is the problem I have with watching politics—You will never know what percentage of what anyone says is truthful. A little scary with the religion talk, but yes, at least he brings it up in a thoughtful way instead of just saying we're in God's war or some shit.

But here's one of his problems—he's just too damn thoughtful. He believes that the rest of America can think rationally about leviticus or human rights or the economy. But if we're such a religious nation, he should realize that religion and rationality go together like Ai-BU9 at a gay bar.

Example: The lady who cut her hair before me today was going off about how she was scared our country was going to shit and maybe we should all just leave. We were agreeing with her until she said Obama was the son of the devil and his schooling was funded by Arabs. HOW THE HELL DO YOU FIGHT THAT SHIT?