Kinda craving the crack. Been checking out BLizzard website for Starcrack 2 kibble and Diablo 3 stuffige. I like the trailer. Also caught Fugu's link about the chess/starcrack thing and that really got me going. I miss dragoons. I miss sleep more but I miss my lovely lovely Protoss. Chaboobie!
These people practiced this number for months and months, getting the timing and the moves down perfect.
i feel like i'm watching interpretive dance dealing with dragoons and immortals. then could just be a lack of sleep.
Hey, how's that going, by the way?
Pony, you know this is not the proper forum for asking about that. You're supposed to do that on Facebook.
I think you have me confused with someone else.
Kinda craving the crack. Been checking out BLizzard website for Starcrack 2 kibble and Diablo 3 stuffige. I like the trailer. Also caught Fugu's link about the chess/starcrack thing and that really got me going. I miss dragoons. I miss sleep more but I miss my lovely lovely Protoss. Chaboobie!
It's been a while since I've visited this bloggy thingy. So glad I stopped by!
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