Monday, November 21, 2011

Important Artistic Modern Dance Work (NSFW)


Galspanic said...

These people practiced this number for months and months, getting the timing and the moves down perfect.

Heeero said...

i feel like i'm watching interpretive dance dealing with dragoons and immortals. then could just be a lack of sleep.

Mike said...

Hey, how's that going, by the way?

Galspanic said...

Pony, you know this is not the proper forum for asking about that. You're supposed to do that on Facebook.

Mike said...

I think you have me confused with someone else.

Heeero said...

Kinda craving the crack. Been checking out BLizzard website for Starcrack 2 kibble and Diablo 3 stuffige. I like the trailer. Also caught Fugu's link about the chess/starcrack thing and that really got me going. I miss dragoons. I miss sleep more but I miss my lovely lovely Protoss. Chaboobie!

rowlh said...

It's been a while since I've visited this bloggy thingy. So glad I stopped by!