Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Scott Pilgrim Graphic Novel Trailer (via @radiomaru)

Maybe you like this trailer better, yes?

via Brian Lee O'Malley hisself.


Galspanic said...

Hrm. Nope, that voice just doesn't do it for me. There's not even a hint of confidence in it.

Mr. Pony said...

Still haven't seen it either, but Cera is growing on me. It sure sounds like he's playing himself, but I'm not sure the "confident" Scott Pilgrim could actually be portrayed realistically on screen.

The character first interested me when he found himself deeply in love with Ramona but still too afraid to break up with Knives. Cera's style might work for me with this Scott. I think I'd rather see Scott Pilgrim as a weak person with flashes of confidence, rather than a confident person with bouts of weakness. Because then he's a hero.

Also, I haven't read volume six, so if there's some big revelation there, I'm missing it.

Galspanic said...

Maybe confidence is the wrong word. I think there's a general attitude that maybe I recognize as being confident. I see his character as sort of like Depp's portrayal of Ed Wood. What do you call that? determined? Conviction?

Mr. Pony said...

Oh, moxie?

Galspanic said...

Moxie sounds about right.

Mr. Pony said...

I saw Scott Pilgrim vs. the World this weekend, and I take back all the mean things you guys said about it.

Galspanic said...

This is what I've been hearing from all my classmates today.