Sunday, November 11, 2007


Guys i'm in wendows. I installd wendows on my computr, which is an mac. I dont like it here. I can see the dots that make up the wrds. why is it showing me all these things? I don't care what wendows has to say. it's like wendows is trying to take credit for all it's doing for me by showing me what a hard time it's having of it all. I feel bad for my computr, for the first time. it's hard to make text, apparently. Rilly rilly hard. yow.

one thing, though--when you're on internet, and internet is trying to install things on you, wendows is like; hey, I'll do that for you. here, I'm going to make an upgrade a program. Through a WEB PAGE. Whaddah ya think of that? That's kinda cool. I kinda feel like there might be some security issues, but at my age, who the fucking cares!! I'm 35!

Namaste, gents.


Mr. Pony said...

guys, this blong looks ugly on wendows.

Mr. Pony said...

Guys! ALL blongs look ugly on wendows!

Litcube said...

Stephen K. Chan

Litcube said...

Mr. Pony, I think this was a sweet post. It's the one that made me laugh! And smiled! Now that you have wendows, some things are possible. Things that might not have been possible before.

Mr. Pony said...

We all have wendows now. I got wendows from Fugu. He also gave me some sort of orange box, that I am going to enstall and see what that's about. Fugu is generous.

Galspanic said...

You caught the wendows from Fugu? Hrm. I still haven't bought that animal from Mac. It's all 'spensive and shit.

Fugu said...

Bought? What is this "bought"...

Fugu said...

Also, note that Ahbu9 has gone out and purchased Hellgate London. This seems to basically be Diablo on steroids and sort of in the future, and therefore fun and annoying, appropriately. BUT, it is a sort of multiplayer game, and so something we could all do, even you non-WoW types (fools!) and non-FPS types (Haw haw!).

Mr. Pony said...

Where has AI-BU9 gone, anyway? He was here for a moment, and then not. I vote he makes a post here showing some of his art collection. Last time I talked to him, he had acquired some truly neat stuff.

Mr. Pony said...

Not that that sort of thing is actually subject to a vote.

Galspanic said...

Well, we could vote on that.

Mr. Pony said...

I vote yes, then.