Sunday, April 12, 2009

Precise Cheops Angles

Guys, can we put away the snark for a minute and focus on something important? Something like, oh, I don't know, your very wellness? I know from personal experience that most of you have complained at one time or another of tired blood and feelings of unwonted vagueness. Or maybe you buy some produce and it doesn't last as long as the sticker says it will. Whatever the problem is, you've only yourself to blame from this point forward, because for the first time since Ancient Egypt, mass-produced pyramids with precise Cheops angles are available on the Internet. In point of fact, these pyramids are even better than their stoney forebears for two salient reasons: 1) they've been supercharged by Tesla coils; and 2) they are not built by shiftless semitic slave laborers.
There's even one for the bedroom. And tuning fork therapy resources.
You're welcome,
Lungclops (retired)

1 comment:

odori said...

The pyramid only costs $49.95!