Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Chick Tracts - Now Embedable!

I know helpwillcome used to collect these. I bought some boxes one year and gave out assortments as holiday gifts. You know why I like them? Not only do they illuminate the evils of homosexuality, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, atheism, Catholicism, science, and witchcraft (wow, seriously?); they also shine a pretty bright spotlight on the seething, frothing foundation of hate that so many Christians build their faith on!

It's a pretty brilliant business model. He is effectively selling weapons to both sides! Go Jack Chick!


Galspanic said...

I had a friend in my offset class in college who used to take these and redo the last pages where the folks would end up not being saved or going to hell, but just sort of continuing their daily lives. They woudl all have like a close call with satan, or potentially be saved, but then it wouldn't work out and they'd go back to their previous routine. He'd actually hand them out in the Loop.
How I wish I still had my copies of those. how I wish. When you're in college you can't see it with twenty/twenty hindsight, and you just think, "hey that's kind of funny.." and then you toss it in a box somewhere and eventually give that box to your ex-girlfriend when you move away.

Galspanic said...

Oh, when I say "woudl", I mean "would".

Galspanic said...

Ugh, I forgot how horrifying those things are.

riye said...

Funny, I have a gay co-worker and I don't think he's ever brought his personal demon to work. He also doesn't indulge in hammy, effeminate gestures but maybe that's because he's a sneaky homo. Yeah that must be it. Excuse me. Now I must go home and genuflect to my giant gold statue of the Buddha (have to leave early to defrost my human sacrifice).

riye said...

If someone had the time and energy it would be funny to make "fake" tracts and intersperse them with the real ones. Hell, it would be fun to see a whole show of fake tracts.

I only looked at a couple of them and they are evil--but its the Microsoft kind of evil. Banal yet--I was going to say annoying--but that doesn't even begin to cover it.

Galspanic said...

I read these and I definitely feel the enemy looking at me.

Fugu said...

These enemies?

Galspanic said...

I don't understand why gay people don't do a commercial exactly like this.
"Some people want to keep me from getting married because of their views about me."
"I am a doctor who has to make a decision between my job, and the way I live my life."
"Because of dangerously militant people in my hometown, I can't walk down the streets holding hands with the person I love the most."
"A coming."

Galspanic said...

Sometimes I get the feeling you actually deliberately look for this stuff, Fuge. Is my feeling about that legitimate?

Fugu said...

That was actually on the front page of Boingboing today.

As was the link to make haikus like this.

"A coming."
