Monday, January 7, 2008

For the kids- Gever Tulley: 5 dangerous things you should let your kids do

i.e., Turbo. Though I have a thing about gauging age appropriateness, and he might be too young to break the DMCA, for example. Or binge drinking. Probably too young for that.



Galspanic said...

I remember my dad locking me in his office with nothing but a knife, spear, bunsen burner, and all his power tools for about three years. It made me the man-thing I am today. I dare you to doubt the validity of my claim.

Mr. Pony said...

Is that why you eat the power tools everyday now? ba-dump chshhhh

Mr. Pony said...

I told Mrs. Pony about the pocketknife idea. I think she was unwilling to entertain the idea because he's two. I think therein lies the trap, however. We get used to kids being little and stupid, and can't adapt quickly enough to them being less little and less stupid. For example, Turbo has shown great interest recently in what a YIELD road sign means. This caught me off-guard, and would have caught me off-guard, I think; even if I had been paying better attention.

Mr. Pony said...

By the way, when I say "unwilling to entertain", I'm not sure I'm accurately articulating the "divorce eye" she sent my way. Tread with care, lads.