Thursday, March 26, 2009

Shrift: Lost In a Moment

There's been a bunch of posts on the web of late with people putting their cameras on sushi conveyor belts. As far as I can see, this here is the first. Wheatley was later working on Lost in a Moment by Shrift (whom I adore), and put the two together:

lost in a moment from dennis wheatley on Vimeo.


odori said...

I enjoyed that!

Is this an ode to conveyor belt sushi? A medidation on modern lifestyles?

Regardless, it was fun.

Though I don't think I will ever become a fan of conveyor belt sushi. The fish deserve more respect than to have their flesh sent circling round and round on a rubber electric machine. Old fashioned sushi bar please.

Fugu said...

...what about on boats?

Galspanic said...

Interesting viewpoint.

odori...I don't think I have ever thought about it that way, and I totally agree with you. I have never taken a second to consider the food's feelings. Think of all those fried chicken wings sitting under heat lamps for hours at the supermarket. Should I feel for them, or is it ok because those are just chicken wings?

You know who has considered food's feelings? Well, Douglas Adams, of course. But also this guy.

Mr. Pony said...

Food doesn't have feelings, you idiots! You've already inconvenienced the food as much as it's ever going to be inconvenienced by pulling it out of the ground or disconnecting its brain.

You're applying a weird (but common) form of Japanese re-animism to something that's already undergone actual death! Stop having so much respect for the Universe! It's creepy!