Saturday, March 29, 2008


I didn't post this earlier, not because I'm lazy, but because you probably already know about Earth Hour and are turning off your lights, teevees, computers, video cameras, robots, etc in two hours, right? For an hour? Right.  Actually, it's because I'm lazy. But I hope you're doing it anyway. Why? BECAUSE WE LIVE ON A FRIGGIN ISLAND 99% DEPENDENT ON OIL FOR FOOD AND ELECTRICITY, THAT'S WHY. 

Update: Well Hawaii sucks. I suck. I didn't get to turn off our lights for a full hour but I blame Vman for a surprise visit with his new girlfriend. The skyline sure didn't look any darker from here, but my parents said that Hawaii Kai looked just a little bit dimmer.

Here's some good pics! Note how much clearer the skyline is. Lots of great shots here as well.



Mr. Pony said...

This is why things will never get better. If you failed at Earth Hour, Fugu, we are all going to fail. Civilization is doomed. I would like to get together sometime with your father to discuss survival strategies for when the machine breaks down. I am already adding buckets of rice to my supplies, but I fear this will not be enough. What sort of shotgun does he recommend?

Fugu said...

Most importantly you should focus on being as friendly with V-man as possible. He's got an arsenal in his bedroom alone to rival that of a small country.

But naw, this whole Earth Hour thing isn't what you think, anyway. It was actually started by some backyard astronomers who wanted the sky clear so they could do some real star gazing and hit on girls and stuff. No lie!