Thursday, July 2, 2009

Food Party with Thu Tran

Anyone else watching Food Party on IFC or on the Internet? It's kind of like a cooking show, but it's more like if you held your breath for three weeks and then thought real hard about food and mythology and felt. Mrs. Pony found this and we watch it together on television. The puppetry and sets and storylines are dizzying, and Thu Tran is hypnotic.

Episode 4:

A NYTimes article about Ms. Tran, who lives in our old neighborhood, apparently.


Demon said...

I like.

Fugu said...

I love how she's 27 and looks like she's twelve. I've got half those genes in all the wrong places.

Galspanic said...

I really like.

Fugu said...

Jebus. Just watched the excerpt in that interview you linked. It's the kind of thing I'd love to watch just before going to sleep. Then if I have nightmares, at least they'll be colorful and happy and completely fucked up.

Fugu said...

We're hooked!

Jim "Rebel" Eddy said...

I just posted another thing about food party and then forgot to add tags and then when going back to add tags discovered a food party tag and then did some heavy investigative research and discovered this old post and decided that I was being a double posting douchebag and so deleted my post but wanted to set the record straight here for any conspiracy theorists whoe might have been hovering over pieces of things for the two minutes while the post was live and that is my story and i'm sticking with it.

sokeripupu said...
