Sunday, July 5, 2009

Born on the third of July!

British Pocket Diary Showing July 3rd as Independence Day - USA
Happy 6th of July, everyone. My pocket diary was made in Britain. Can any non-Canadian North Americans (NCNAs) spot the subtle error?

I went to a barbeque in a garden in Kent yesterday and there was a Hawaiian there! He knew about li hing powder and everything.


Galspanic said...

It's the dry, subtle humor of the British that really endears them to me.

Mr. Pony said...

Well, a lot of people got that day off, so that's not completely unreasonable--especially coming from a citizen of the Empire.

Mr. Pony said...

A Hawaii person in Kent? I wonder if they know that we can't be that far away for long without losing our powers.

Galspanic said...

If he has a source of spam musubi available he at least retains telepathy.

Ruby Tenneco said...

He was able to eat huge quantities of meat. Is that a power?

Mr. Pony said...

I think it might be!

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing your knowledge

Mr. Pony said...

Welcome, Leather Diaries. Knowledge is for sharing. And should ever decide to publish your Leather Diaries, please consider Pieces of Things as a platform. You will find us supportive and open-minded.

Litcube said...

Much like Acmeshorts.