Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Yeah so..

I've been looking at a lot of images lately and I stumbled across this page documenting images from a book that my animation teacher once showed me in college. I have been trying to get a copy ever since then, but the book is out of print. So once again, thank you, intarweb. Enjoy. These are quite amazing. As the legend goes, these stereographic images were discovered along with the original 3-d pieces in an abandoned flat in France that was about to be demolished.


Mr. Pony said...

Pretty awesome that he didn't reuse any parts to make the models. This seems like a project you should undertake. You just need to find the right book to illustrate. May I suggest?

Galspanic said...

I don't think you thought very hard about that link. It looks rushed.

Mr. Pony said...

I guess you haven't read it in a while, then!