Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Today I gave myself a crash course on humpback whales. I discovered they sound kind of like what you'd expect cows to sound like if they lived underwater.

Here's an audio clip of the whales singing. I wish I could embed it, but am not sure how to do that so here's a link instead.

I will admit these guys have impressive hunting skills.


Fugu said...

Yeah, those guys are bad ass. Almost as great as narwhals.

Litcube said...

The bubble net is pretty sweet to watch. Wonder how they figured that out.

Mr. Pony said...

Clearly the bubble net is an example of intelligent design. Complex behaviors like bubble nets and beaver dam-building and human proms don't work if they are not fully realized. Therefore, someone (maybe not God, but perhaps a god-like creature named God) must have created these behaviors found in nature.

Heeero said...

I feel sheepish. I thought all this time that humpbacks (and other baleen whales) only ate krill. Oops...

Galspanic said...

Wow Heeero, has Pokemon taught you nothing?

Mr. Pony said...

Here's a similar dolphin behavior... The dolphins seem less serious, though, like they're just screwing around.